Privacy Policy


Mahila Money Pvt. Ltd. (“Mahila Money”, “we”, “our” or “us”) recognizes the importance of protecting personal details and information, and thus provides this Privacy Policy with respect to the access and use of various products and services of Mahila Money  by way of any type of devices and media, including web-based, mobile-based applications, devices, URLs/links, notifications, chatbot  and other forms of digital or non-digital media, (“Platforms”) as owned and operated by us and/or our affiliates and services provided thereon by us and/or our affiliates (“Services”). The term Platforms will also include all pages that are sub-domains or are associated with or within each Platform and all devices, applications, features, technologies, functionalities and other services that Mahila Money operates or offers through such Platforms.

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, the user of Services may be customers, channel partners, vendors or any other persons using Services or accessing the Platforms (“user”, “you” or “your”). This Privacy Policy will help you understand our policies and procedures regarding the collection, handling and use of your information.

We are committed to respecting your online privacy and recognize your need for appropriate protection and management of any information you share with us on the Platform.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is being framed in accordance under the applicable law.

By using our Services through the Platforms, you signify your assent to this Policy and consent to the processing of your personal information and/or sensitive personal data or any other transaction that is generated with your use of the Platforms (“Information”). If at any time, an individual provides Information about someone other than herself or himself, the individual warrants that they have that person’s consent to provide such information for the purpose specified. The Services are not available to persons below the age of 18 years.

If you do not agree with this Policy, ensure that you do not, in any manner, use our Services or download, install and/or use the mobile application.


By accessing or using the Platform and/or availing the services provided through the Platform or otherwise giving us your information, you undertake that you have the capacity to enter into a legally binding contract vide this Policy, which constitutes a legally binding document between you and Mahila Money under the applicable law. Mahila Money collects and processes your usage data, personal data and third-party data carefully, only for the purposes described in this Policy and only to the extent necessary as defined herein and within the scope of all applicable legal regulations. This Policy seeks to ensure that any personal information or third-party information handled by Mahila Money is managed in a way that is ethical, compliant and adheres to the best industry practices.

This Policy describes the types of information Mahila Money collects, why and how Mahila Money uses the information, with whom Mahila Money shares it, and the choices you can make about Mahila Money use of the information. We also describe the measures taken by us to protect the security of the Information and how you can contact Mahila Money about its privacy practices.

This Policy describes the types of information Mahila Money collects, why and how Mahila Money uses the information, with whom Mahila Money shares it, and the choices you can make about Mahila Money use of the information. We also describe the measures taken by us to protect the security of the Information and how you can contact Mahila Money about its privacy practices.

This Policy describes Mahila Money current data protection policies and practices which maybe amended or updated from time to time. Any changes to this Policy will become effective upon posting of the revised Policy on the Platform. It is recommended that you regularly check this Policy to apprise yourself of any updates. Your continued use of Platform or provision of data or information thereafter will imply your unconditional acceptance of such updates to this Policy.

Collection of Information

We intend to provide services and features that meet your needs. To do so, when You use our Platforms, we may obtain the following information about you and your device from which you avail Services, if you consent to it –

  • Device Information:Information such as device ID, pages accessed, IP address, mobile network, operating system or a unique identifier. We will link your mobile phone number with your device. This helps us analyse how our app works, fix any issues, keep the app safe and ensure a seamless experience for you. Additionally, we may ask for a one-time access of your camera, microphone, location or any other information necessary for provisioning of the Services.
  • Personal Data:Such as name, date of birth, residential status, postal address, e-mail address, mobile number, PAN details, Aadhar number, specimen signature(s), tax and insurance information, e-KYC through UIDAI, CKYC through CERSAI etc. This helps us fulfil our legal obligations which require us to confirm your identity.
  • Location information:If you have authorized tracking it will help us provide to you any and/or all location-based services and protect you against any and/or all fraud.
  • The use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API services user data policy, including the limited use requirements.
  • Cookies: Cookies aid us in recognizing you as a customer and remember your preferences so we can personalize our services. Cookies are required to prevent fraud and ensure the security of websites we control. You are free to decline our Cookies if your browser permits this. However, that may not guarantee you a seamless user experience.
  • Service Usage and Transactional Information: For enabling you to make payments and to provide you services for your account using our Services, we may store your financial information such as your bank account or details mentioned on your credit cards or debit cards, or other payment instrument details etc. that are required for a successful transaction. We also store transaction details such as amount spent, counterpart details, beneficiary information, account balance, transaction ID, date and time of transaction. 
  • Employment and Salary Information:So that we can provide you with a customized experience based on your financial appetite.
  • Chat conversations: Information you send us through chat which includes images and voice recordings our conversations with you, so that we can help you in every way possible.
  • Any other information that is required to be collected as per specific mandate from any bank or as a legal requirement in India.

Use of Information

Mahila Money primarily collects your Personal Data to provide you with a secure, smooth, and efficient experience on our Platforms. Not only does this help us personalize and improve your experience, but the additional information also helps in preventing any misuse.

‍Wherever possible, Mahila Money will indicate the data fields as either required or are optional. However, if you are unable to provide the required information we need, we may not be able to provide you with the product or service you have requested. By way of example, some of the uses of your Personal Data would include the following:-

  • developing and providing banking facilities, products or services (whether made available by us or through us), including but not limited to executing investments, banking, commercial or other transactions and clearing or reporting on these transactions;
  • providing additional services including customer support;
  • generating and maintaining your profile on the app, to contact you through a voice call or SMS or email and to provide you offers and customizing offers for you;
  • processing transactions and verifying your identity (including during account creation and password reset processes);
  • remedying fraud or other potentially prohibited or illegal activities and detecting/preventing violations of policies or applicable user agreements;
  • financial reporting, regulatory reporting, management reporting, risk management (including monitoring credit exposures), audit and record keeping purposes;
  • data collected by cookies helps us track, analyse and understand user trends so as to enable us to understand lacunas (such as slow response time on our website page or application) and improve your interactive experience of using our Services, our design, features and functionalities;
  • we access data or information stored by third parties in case required for providing you uninterrupted and satisfactory Services or in case consented by you;
  • we only share data with our affiliated business partners and third-party vendors for the purposes mentioned in this section;
  • any data which a user provides via his/her/their email inbox (from mail provider) will be used only to provide direct features mentioned on the app or website. Further, use of this data will be done only after taking consent from the user;
  • to improve our Services, we need to constantly update and alter our business and marketing strategies for which we require the navigational and log information to determine and analyse the merchants, markets, technology, operating systems, browsers, devices, locations from which our Services are used most or used least. For example, such information and its analysis will help us focus more on your needs by providing you a wider range of Services, or developing updates for particular operating systems and mobile application versions, etc. Further, the information collected helps us offer you other products, programs, or services that we believe may be of interest to you. In addition, such information collected will help us alert you in case of software compatibility issues;
  • the data shall be stored in servers located in India.

Information Sharing

Your Personal Data is only accessible to those with a legitimate need-to-know basis. We do not disclose or share your Information with any third-party without your consent and ordinarily for some or all matters set out below:-

  • members of Mahila Money (including our affiliates/subsidiaries and business partners) for services such as providing content, products, customer support etc.;
  • credit bureaus (which helps us to support responsible lending and assist consumers in understanding where they stand with their credit) and collection agencies;
  • where necessary to exercise, establish or defend legal rights, including to enforce our agreements and policies;
  • financial institutions and partner banks;

Law enforcement, government officials, or other third parties pursuant to a summon, court order, or other legal process or requirement applicable to the Mahila Money or one of its affiliates/subsidiaries; when we need to do so to comply with law;

We take care to allow your Personal Data to be accessed only by those who genuinely need it in order to perform their tasks and duties and to third parties who have a legitimate purpose for accessing it, with your consent. If we go through a corporate sale, merger, reorganization, dissolution or similar event, Personal Data we gather from you may get transferred in connection with such an event. Any acquirer or successor of Mahila Money may continue to use the information described in this Policy

We do not share, disclose or distribute any of your Information to any third party unless required under an arrangement between Mahila Money and the third party for service delivery, product enhancement, analysis, risk and security purposes, communication purpose, etc. For example, Mahila Money may, itself or through third parties, send you emails, SMS, such other means to communicate, send reminders for payment, advertise its services, promote new products and activities or for your invaluable feedback or for marketing purposes.

To complete a transaction, we may share financial information (such as credit card details or other payment mode details) provided by you with authorised third parties, for instance, our business partners, financial teams/institutions involved in fulfilment of the said transactions, if any.

If, by usage of some functionalities of our Service, you receive Information about other user(s), you agree to keep the same confidential and only use it in connection with the Services, without disclosing the same to another user or third party.

In order to ensure that all our users comply with the user rules, we may monitor your Information to the extent that this may be required to determine compliance and/or to identify instances of non-compliance.

We will only disclose your Information in accordance with this Policy. If we want to use it for any other purpose, we will obtain your consent.

Mahila Money does not control the acts of its users. All users should be aware that, when they disclose Information such as their name, e-mail address, etc. to third parties, that Information may be collected and used by others to send unsolicited e-mail from other parties, who may or may not be users. In the event that you encounter any person improperly collecting or using information about users, please contact us by emailing at

Protection of Information

We are dedicated to guarding the security of your information. We use several industry-standard security technologies and procedures devised to help protect your data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. The detailed specifics for the same have been provided below.

We work to protect the security of your Information during transmission by using appropriate software, which encrypts information you input. This encrypted information is stored on secure servers and data centres. Further, we ensure that the number of employees involved in the management of the data centre who have physical access to these computers is limited. Also, we use advanced security technology to prevent our computers from being accessed by unauthorized persons.

We use all reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect the security of your Personal Data both online and offline including the implementation of access controls, implementation of firewalls, network intrusion detection and use of anti-virus software.

Please note that no system is completely secure. So, while we strive to protect your data, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss or a data breach will never occur.

If any security breach comes to our knowledge, then we may take all steps required to protect mis use of such Information and may attempt to notify you electronically so that you can take appropriate protective steps.

Know your Rights

In addition to being able to update and correct your personal data, you may also have other data protection rights. This revolves around what you can allow or restrict us to do with your information.

  • You have the option to provide or deny consent for collection of your Information, restrict disclosure to third parties, and revoke consent already granted to collect your Information. Only such Information shall be collected by Mahila Money to which you have explicitly consented. Additionally, you may revoke the access to such Information collected by us by writing to us at any point of time, and you may delete the mobile application from your mobile/system. If however you have a Loan outstanding with us, or are in any other manner receiving continued Services from us, you may not revoke access to such Information for as long as such Loan remains outstanding and/or as shall be required to provide such Services to you.
  • You also have the right to ask for a copy of your personal data in a portable (machine-readable) format. You can also say no to us using your personal data for direct marketing and in certain other circumstances which include events where ‘legitimate interest’ is involved.
  • As per the existing legal regulations, specific data fields (such as name, Aadhar number, address etc.) would be locked once you enter that information in our website. There would be a separate procedure to modify such information (such as after giving a self-declaration), you can find out further details by contacting us at
  • Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we carried out before your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal data carried out in reliance on other lawful grounds other than consent.
  • We will keep your personal data for as long as it is needed to carry out the purposes we’ve described above, or as otherwise required by law. Generally, this means we will keep your personal data as long as your account is active or as needed to provide our services. If you cancel/ deactivate/ unsubscribe your account with us, we are not under any obligation to retain your information. However, we may retain your information for twenty-four (24) months (post cancellation/ deactivation), as our business practice.
  • You can make any of these requests by contacting us at We will respond to all requests in accordance with applicable laws.

Deletion of data

To request deletion of your data, please contact us at Please note that we will be able to delete data only to such extent as is permitted and/or mandated by applicable law. If you have a loan outstanding with us and/or any subsisting obligation with respect to any of our other products, we will not able to accommodate your request for deletion of data until the loan is repaid in full and all your subsisting obligations have been satisfied in respect of the relevant loan or product, as applicable.

Limitation of Liability

  • Mahila Money shall not be liable to you for any loss of profit, production, anticipated savings, goodwill or business opportunities or any type of direct or indirect, incidental, economic, compensatory, punitive, exemplary or consequential losses arising out of performance or non-performance of its obligations under this Policy
  • Notwithstanding anything contained in this Policy or elsewhere, Mahila Money shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or misuse of your Personal Information, if such loss, damage or misuse is attributable to a Force Majeure Event. The term “Force Majeure Event” shall mean any event that is beyond the reasonable control of Mahila Money  and shall include, without limitation, sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, acts of God, civil commotion, strikes, lockouts or industrial action of any kind, riots, insurrection, war, acts of government, pandemic, epidemic, computer hacking, civil disturbances, unauthorised access to computer data and storage device, computer crashes, breach of security and encryption, or national/state lockdown due to any reason and any other similar events not within the control of the Mahila Money.


  • You may further access  information regarding the loan products available on the Platform on the platforms of our partners, namely Ekagrata Finance Private Limited at and Capital Trade Links Limited at
  • If you have any questions, queries, concerns or feedback about this Policy or our privacy related practices, please feel free to contact us on
  • In case you have any grievances relating to the collecting, receiving, possessing, storing, dealing or handling of Personal Information provided by you, you may contact our Grievance Officer at the following address:

‍Mahila Money Pvt.Ltd.

E-mail ID: –

Copyright © 2022 Mahila Money. All rights reserved.
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